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Report No.

Evaluation of void ratio of the solidified wastes containing supercompacted wastes

Sudo, Tomoyuki; Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Osugi, Takeshi  ; Mimura, Ryuji ; Ishihara, Keisuke; Satomi, Shinichi; Myodo, Masato ; Momma, Toshiyuki ; Kozawa, Kazushige 

The super compactor in the AVRF treats compactible metal wastes mainly generated from research reactors in the Nuclear Science Research Institute of JAEA. Those wastes are compacted with the maximum about 2,000-ton force. The supercompacted wastes are packed into the container and then immobilized with cementitious materials. The solidified wastes (containing supercompacted wastes) become an object for near surface disposal with artificial barrier. For disposal, the solidified wastes must be satisfied the technical criteria. One of the important indicators is the void ratio in the solidified wastes. In this report, we manufactured the supercompacted wastes with the ordinary treatment method for actual wastes treated in the AVRF and immobilized with a mortar grout. The void ratio of the solidified wastes were evaluated in consideration for concrete vault disposal. As a result, We confirmed the integrity of the solidified wastes from a point of view of void ratio.



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