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 年 ~ 

Numerical visualization on melting and solidification of micron-sized metallic particles by laser irradiation


高瀬 和之; 村松 壽晴; 菖蒲 敬久  

Takase, Kazuyuki; Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Shobu, Takahisa


As aiming at the enhancement of safety of currently operated nuclear reactors, development of a repair technology using laser welding has been performed. An experimental study on welding of micron-sized metallic particles on a stainless steel plate by laser irradiation has already been carried out. Moreover, an analytical study was also begun to predict numerically the experimental results. The micron-sized metallic particle that is made of iron is heated by the laser irradiation and then melts exceeding the melting temperature and finally the solid metallic particle changes perfectly the liquid metal. After a long time, the liquid metal rechanges the solid metal with decreasing the temperature. This paper describes visualized numerical simulation results of the melting and solidification behavior of the micron-sized metallic particles that changes from the solid to liquid and the liquid to solid.



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