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Report No.

Development of the extraction chromatography system for separation of americium and curium

Koma, Yoshikazu  ; Sano, Yuichi   ; Nomura, Kazunori  ; Watanabe, So  ; Matsumura, Tatsuro  ; Morita, Yasuji  

Engineering system of the extraction chromatography for Am and Cm separation from spent FBR fuel is under development. Concerning the process development, experimental data including separation, safety and treatment after use was collected and evaluated that the combination of TODGA and R-BTP adsorbent was the most promising at present. Concerning the column system development, preparing a stationary phase bed, hydraulics of mobile phase, temperature control, discharging hydrogen which is radiolytically generated, column plugging which will bring a safety concern were investigated and it was revealed that the system has a potential for engineering application.



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