Deduced soft-rotator model Hamiltonian parameters and collective properties of medium-to-heavy even-even nuclei
Kunieda, Satoshi ; Chiba, Satoshi; Shibata, Keiichi; Ichihara, Akira ; Iwamoto, Osamu ; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki ; Fukahori, Tokio ; Sukhovitskij, E.*
The soft-rotator model Hamiltonian parameters were deduced for 63 even-even medium and heavy nuclei in a mass range . We obtained those values by the combination of the low-lying level structure and the coupled-channels proton scattering analyses. It was found that the values of the effective quadrupole and octupole deformations obtained were consistent with those derived from experimental data. Besides, the equilibrium ground-state quadrupole deformation parameters were also in reasonable accord with the theoretical mass-models results for deformed heavy nuclei. In this report, we present a complete set of the Hamiltonian parameters for each nucleus. The obtained values of the parameters often varied with the constituent neutron and/or proton numbers anomalously. On the other hand, some clear systematic trends were seen among the major Hamiltonian parameters.