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 年 ~ 

Investigation on integrity of JMTR reactor building


大戸 勤; 木村 正 ; 深作 秋富; 楠 剛 

Oto, Tsutomu; Kimura, Tadashi; Fukasaku, Akitomi; Kusunoki, Tsuyoshi


The refurbishment of JMTR is scheduled from the beginning of FY 2007 to the end of FY 2010. An integrity investigation for concrete structures of the JMTR buildings was carried out in early phase of the refurbishment. This paper describes investigated results and repair work of the vent stack, trenches, canal building and the filter bank. Investigated items were the concrete surface deterioration, rebound number (nondestructive estimation of strength), comprehensive strength using drilled concrete core test piece, carbonation depth, reinforced bar corrosion and chloride ion content. The integrity of these concrete structures was confirmed by these investigations. Based on the investigation results, repair works such as re-painting were carried out from the viewpoint of preventive maintenance for the vent stack, trenches and canal building.



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