Restart of protype FBR "Monju" after long-term shut-down
仲井 悟; 金子 義久; 向 和夫
Nakai, Satoru; Kaneko, Yoshihisa; Mukai, Kazuo
The sodium leak accident in a secondary main cooling system of prototype fast breeder reactor Monju on December 8th in 1995, and the Monju has shut down for 14 and half years since that. JAEA improved the safety by investigating the sodium leakage accident, taking countermeasures such as better understanding by the local's, improvement of operation. In the maintenance field, the confirmation of Monju systems and components integrity, systems improvement as sodium leak countermeasures, introduction of the maintenance program to resolve maintenance problems. Monju restarted on May 6th 2010 after the confirmation of restart readiness by safety authorities and the core confirmation test which is first test after restart was continued to July 22nd as planned.