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 年 ~ 


Simulation of radial flow generated by rotating a set of screens and disks, 2

荻原 徳男

Ogiwara, Norio

Generation of radial gas flow by rotating a combination of parallel disks and screens has been investigated by Monte Carlo simulation. This time, we studied the radial gas flow from the rotor which has 2 different structures: the inner part of the rotor is composed of the parallel disks, while the outer part is made up of the parallel disks with the screens. The rotor, which has the outer part with the special off-center screens, was found to have both a large pumping efficiency greater than 0.5 and a large compression ratio greater than 10$$^{4}$$ with a velocity ratio $$r$$$$omega$$/$$<$$$$v$$$$>$$ of 2, where $$<$$$$v$$$$>$$ is the mean velocity of the gas molecules and $$r$$$$omega$$ is an additional circumferential velocity due to rotation.



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