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Report No.

Shapiro steps as a direct probe of $$pm$$$$s$$-wave symmetry in multigap superconducting Josephson junctions

Ota, Yukihiro; Machida, Masahiko  ; Koyama, Tomio*

We theoretically study the Shapiro steps in a hetero-Josephson junction made of a single-gap superconductor and a two-gap one. We find that an anomalous dc Josephson current is induced by tuning the frequency of an applied microwave to the Josephson-Leggett mode frequency, which creates an extra step structure in the ${it I-V}$ characteristics besides the conventional Shapiro steps. The step heights at the resonance voltages exhibit an alternate structure of a large and small value reflecting the gap symmetry of the two-gap superconductor. In the $$pm$$$$s$$-wave case in which the two gaps have opposite signs in the two-gap superconductor the steps with odd index are enhanced, whereas in the $$s$$-wave case the ones with even index have larger values. The existence of the fractional Shapiro steps is also predicted.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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