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Report No.

A Study on dose control for Tokaimura criticality accident termination

Kanamori, Masashi; Suto, Toshiyuki ; Tanaka, Kenichi*; Takada, Jun*

JAEA-Technology 2009-043 "A Study on dose control for JCO criticality accident termination", the dose we discuss how to manage termination of the criticality accident at work or (we refer as previously report) As a result, based on the measurements from around 40 m to 100 m, we made a re-evaluation of the dose. Reevaluated doses match with the degree of accuracy 60% to 80% compared with the respective individual dose. In this paper, we validate by these doses by using log-log plots and semi-log plots for the distance from the source approximately 100 m and further attenuation. As a result, if the field is under high doses of neutrons, dose constraint assessment should consider some points, by using 10 mSv, half of the annual limit 20 mSv, as dose reference, the work performed could safely be managed. And summaries the valid range of log-log plots for intense neutron dose estimation.



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