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Report No.

Results of Monju zero power reactor physics test

Mori, Tetsuya ; Takano, Kazuya ; Kitano, Akihiro ; Morohashi, Yuko ; Kato, Yuko; Yabuki, Kentaro; Miyagawa, Takayuki; Okawachi, Yasushi ; Hazama, Taira 

Monju restarted safely on May 6, 2010 after 14 years and 5 months suspension. Core Confirmation Test was performed until July 22. The core fuel contains Am-241 because Pu-241 (half-life 14 years) decayed during 14.4 years suspension. Therefore, physics data of the core containing Am-241 are obtained. The mainly test items are criticality, control rod worth and isothermal temperature coefficient. In the criticality, the measured CR position at the criticality was confirmed to be within the predicted CR position range. Criticality was predicted in good accuracy. In the control rod worth measurement, CR worth of CCR1 was measured by the period method. CR worth of other CR was measured by the balancing method. In the isothermal temperature coefficient measurement, the measured value was a little bit smaller than that of the previous test due to the accumulation of Am-241, the decay of Pu-241, and other composition change by refuelling.



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