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Report No.

New type of asymmetric fission in proton-rich nuclei

Andreyev, A. N.*; Elseviers, J.*; Huyse, M.*; Van Duppen, P.*; Antalic, S.*; Barzakh, A.*; Bree, N.*; Cocolios, T. E.*; Comas, V. F.*; Diriken, J.*; Fedorov, D.*; Fedosseev, V.*; Franchoo, S.*; Heredia, J. A.*; Ivanov, O.*; K$"o$ster, U.*; Marsh, B. A.*; Nishio, Katsuhisa   ; Page, R. D.*; Patronis, N.*; Seliverstov, M.*; Tsekhanovich, I.*; Van den Bergh, P.*; Van De Walle, J.*; Venhart, M.*; Vermote, S.*; Veselsky, M.*; Wagemans, C.*; Ichikawa, Takatoshi*; Iwamoto, Akira; M$"o$ller, P.*; Sierk, A. J.*

A very exotic process of $$beta$$-delayed fission of $$^{180}$$Tl is studied in detail by using resonant laser ionization with subsequent mass separation at ISOLDE (CERN). In contrast to common expectations, the fission-fragment mass distribution of the post-$$beta$$-decay daughter nucleus $$^{180}$$Hg ($$N$$/$$Z$$ = 1.25) is asymmetric. This asymmetry is more surprising since a mass-symmetric split of this extremely neutron-deficient nucleus would lead to two $$^{90}$$Zr fragments, with magic $$N$$ = 50 and semi-magic $$Z$$ = 40. This is a new type of asymmetric fission, not caused by large shell effects related to fragment magic proton and neutron numbers, as observed in the actinide region. The newly-measured branching ratio for $$beta$$-delayed fission of $$^{180}$$Tl is 3.6(7)$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$ %.



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Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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