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Report No.

Development of an ion-beam-induced luminescence analysis system combined with micro-PIXE analysis

Kada, Wataru; Yokoyama, Akihito; Koka, Masashi; Sato, Takahiro; Kamiya, Tomihiro

An Ion micro-Beam Induced Luminescence (micro-IBIL) and micro-PIXE combined system for chemical-state analysis was newly developed on a micro-beam facility of single-ended accelerator at JAEA Takasaki TIARA. The photons caused by an ion impact have much information about the chemical state of the target in its wavelength. Therefore the proposed micro-IBIL system had developed by using a monochromator and a photon-counting system to observe photon intensity at specific wavelength range. A photomultiplier in the photon-counting system was cooled by a peltier device to reduce the background noises down to 10 cps. Quite weak photon signals were able to be observed by the proposed system. 3-MeV proton irradiation experiments were performed to obtain micro-IBIL photons from the target. IBIL photon signals from the silicon dioxide in target aerosol particles had been successfully measured by the proposed micro-IBIL System.



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