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Report No.

Mine-by experiment in a deep shaft in Neogene sedimentary rocks at Horonobe, Japan

Sanada, Hiroyuki; Nakamura, Takahiro*; Sugita, Yutaka 

A Mine-by Experiment was carried out to investigate the development of an EDZ in one of the deep vertical shafts excavated in Neogene sedimentary rocks at the Horonobe URL site. The objective of this experiment is to understand the deformation and failure behavior and the hydraulic properties of the EDZ developed during sinking of the deep shaft. Before and after shaft sinking, BTV, borehole expansion tests, permeability tests and seismic velocity logging were carried out to determine initial conditions and changes in the mechanical and hydraulic properties. During shaft sinking, instruments such as extensometers and stress sensors were installed in the rock mass and in the shaft lining for stress measurements around the shaft circumference and to determine rock mass response to excavation. The variation of both mechanical and hydraulic properties was largest within 1 m of the shaft wall and the variation in hydraulic conductivity was in the range of one order of magnitude.



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Category:Engineering, Geological



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