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Report No.

Collection and analysis of existing information on applicability of investigation methods for characterizing natural events/processes in a coastal region

Nakayasu, Akio; Niizato, Tadafumi  ; Yasue, Kenichi; Doke, Ryosuke; Shigehiro, Michiko*; Tanaka, Takenobu*; Aoki, Michinori*; Sekiya, Ayako*

The investigation methods for characterizing natural events and processes in a coastal field have been extracted on the basis of analysis of previous research. Collected information is classified into three groups according to characteristics of natural events/processes and investigation methods. First group is the methods for evaluation of uplift, subsidence and sedimentation rates. Second group is the methods for evaluation ob denudation rates. The third group is the methods for reconstruction of the climatic and sea-level changes. Based on an analysis of the above information, investigation method that can be applied to a coastal region was extracted. The methods and indices are as follows: (1) Uplift rate: the heights of marine terraces are the most important index in an upheaval region. (2) Subsidence and sedimentation rate: the depths of strata underlying an alluvial plain are main indices in a subsidence region. (3) Denudation rate: the features of marine terrace are main indices and the inspection of denudation processes by the use of a numerical simulation is necessary. (4) Climate change: lacustrine deposits are main object for investigation. (5) Sea-level change: reconstruction of relative sea-level change curve including uplift/subsidence factor and paleography based on acoustic exploration and the investigation of marine terraces.



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