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 年 ~ 

Modeling of atomic processes of multiple charged ions in plasmas and its application to the study of EUV light sources


佐々木 明; 西原 功修*; 砂原 淳*; 古河 裕之*; 西川 亘*; 小池 文博*

Sasaki, Akira; Nishihara, Katsunobu*; Sunahara, Atsushi*; Furukawa, Hiroyuki*; Nishikawa, Takeshi*; Koike, Fumihiro*


Atomic processes and radiation from multiple charged ions in plasmas are of the interest in the investigation of plasma wall interaction and transport of impurity ions in the fusion devices. The emission from multiple charged ions is also investigated for the development of extreme ultra violet light (EUVL) sources at $$lambda=13.5 nm$$. Efficient emission through the 4d-4f + 4p-4d transition array is obtained from tin ions. An optimization of pumping conditions of laser produced plasma sources is carried out theoretically and experimentally. We also investigate an extension of the plasma light sources to short wavelength to $$lambda=6.5 nm$$ using Gd and Tb plasmas. We discuss requirements to the atomic structure, rate coefficient and collisional radiative codes to determine ion abundance and level population as a function of plasma temperature and density, to calculate the radiation intensity as well as emission spectrum.



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