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Report No.

Annual report on operation and management of Hot Laboratories and Facilities; From April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010

Department of Hot Laboratories and Facilities

This is an annual report in a fiscal year 2009 that describes activities of RFEF, WASTEF, RHL and the other research hot facilities controlled by the Department of Hot Laboratories and Facilities. In RFEF, various PIEs were performed related to the Advanced LWR fuel Performance and Safety research program, and the development of vessel material for spallation target of neutron scattering facility. In WASTEF, The examination for the investigation of the IASCC of nuclear power plant materials, corrosion test for structural materials of nuclear plant under $$gamma$$ ray irradiation condition and the various examination of miner actinoid doped fuel. The several examinations were performed ordered from the safety research center in JAEA as the trustee agreement with JNES and NISA and from J-PARC the development program of vessel material for spallation target of neutron scattering facility. In RHL, To progress the decommissioning plan of fiscal year 2009, the decontamination of lead cells and dismantlement of incidental equipment and the review were performed about the basic vision and dismantling and decontamination procedure for release in the regulation of controlled area In addition, managements of the other research hot facilities were carried out.



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