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Report No.

Examination concerning application of ACROSS to engineering technology of the MIU project; Annual report, fiscal year 2009

Hasegawa, Ken; Kunitomo, Takahiro; Nakajima, Takahiro*; Asai, Hideaki*; Iyatomi, Yosuke ; Matsui, Hiroya 

ACROSS has developed to acquire the detailed information on the tectonically active zone. The technology for example the transmission and receiving technique, the data analysis and the interpretation technique of the ACROSS signal is able to apply not only to seismology but also to other field. We considered the ACROSS technology may apply to the engineering technology of the MIU project, for example monitoring of the change of the geological environment around shafts and also the strength of the shaft concrete itself. It is planned that the examination for three years will be made from fiscal year 2007. The first year is expansion of the network of observation stations, the second year is data acquisition and last year is the analysis of data and evaluation of the ACROSS. In this report, we describe the results of fundamental studies of the ACROSS and the processing results obtained from the ACROSS observation stations which were prepared in fiscal year 2007 and 2008, also describe the current evaluation results of the ACROSS.



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