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The Network for actinide research in Japan; J-ACTINET

日本アクチノイドネットワーク; J-ACTINET

湊 和生 

Minato, Kazuo


To promote and facilitate the actinide research, close cooperation with the facilities and sharing of technical and scientific information must be very important and effective. The network for actinide research in Japan, J-ACTINET, has been established since March 2008. Through cross-sectional utilization of facilities and equipment of new advanced tools, attractive research environment has been maintained for students and young scientists. The J-ACTINET summer school 2009 and 2010 were held, where students and young scientists had an experience of handling actinide materials and solutions. The J-ACTINET summer school and winter school will be held for students and young scientists, and they will be given chances to attend the summer school in Europe and international scientific conferences.



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