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Report No.

Proceedings of the Workshops on "JAEA Project Researches at J-PARC/MLF"; Sep.29, Oct.28, and Oct.29, 2010, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan

Kajimoto, Ryoichi  ; Maekawa, Fujio  ; Arima, Hiroshi; Yoshinari, Shizuka*; Arai, Masatoshi

The operation for public use of MLF at J-PARC has started since the end of 2008. Rather stable neutron and muon beams at 120 kW are being supplied throughout 2010. Some of the instruments have already produced several good scientific outputs. Furthermore, operation at 200 kW, which exceeds the beam power of the ISIS facility in UK, has started since December 2010. In this promising situation for MLF, we hold three workshops for five neutron instruments which conducted researches for projects by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) (project researches): "Workshop on BL19 (Sep. 29)", "Workshop on BL04+BL10 (Oct. 28)", and "Workshop on BL01+BL14 (Oct. 29)". There, status of the instruments and recent results of the project researches as well as a part of researches by general users were reported, and future directions and issues to be solved of the researches were discussed. This report includes abstracts, materials of the presentations and summary of discussions in the workshops.



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