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Report No.

Verification of JUPITER standard analysis method for upgrading Joyo MK-III core design and management

Maeda, Shigetaka   ; Ito, Chikara   ; Sekine, Takashi ; Aoyama, Takafumi 

The verification of calculated core characteristics of the Joyo MK-III core using the JUPITER fast reactor standard analysis method was conducted by comparing with the measured values through the core physics tests. The purpose is to upgrade the core performance to increase the driver fuel burn-up and to increase the excess reactivity necessary for conducting various irradiation tests in the core region. Most of the C/Es are within 5% of unity. Through the comparisons, the calculation accuracy of the JUPITER standard analysis method for a small size sodium cooled fast reactor with a hard neutron spectrum like Joyo was clarified. As a result of this study, more irradiation tests can be performed with appropriate safety margin and the efficient core and fuel management can be achieved to save the number of refueling.



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