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Elevated depressive symptoms increase metabolic syndrome prevalence through hypertriglyceridemia in Japanese male workers


亀崎 文彦; 園田 信成*; 尾辻 豊*

Kamezaki, Fumihiko; Sonoda, Shinjo*; Otsuji, Yutaka*

Aim: The aim of this study was to determine whether elevated depressive symptoms are associated with metabolic syndrome and its parameters in Japanese population. Methods: Of 1,386 male workers who were measured variables of the metabolic parameters in their health checkup, 1,186 (44.5$$pm$$9.6 years) answered the Zung self-rating depression scale (ZSDS). In this study, metabolic syndrome was defined according to the joint scientific statement proposed by 6 major organizations. Results: Of the 1,186 subjects, 42.1% had elevated depressive symptoms (ZSDS scores $$geq$$40). The prevalence rate of metabolic syndrome was significantly higher in subjects with elevated depressive symptoms than in those without (13.2% vs 8.9%, p$$<$$0.05). Of all metabolic parameters, serum levels of triglyceride were significantly higher in subjects with elevated depressive symptoms (124.7$$pm$$79.1 mg/dL vs 111.5$$pm$$58.4 mg/dL, p$$<$$0.001), and consequently hypertriglyceridemia (28.9% vs 21.0%, p$$<$$0.01) was the main component correlated with the between-group difference of metabolic syndrome prevalence. Moreover, depressive symptoms for metabolic syndrome were confusion (OR: 1.46; p$$<$$0.05) and emptiness (OR: 1.50; p$$<$$0.05). Conclusion: This study suggested that elevated depressive symptoms might increase metabolic syndrome prevalence through a higher occurrence of hypertriglyceridemia in Japanese male workers.



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