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Report No.

POOL and LOOP type sodium-cooled fast reactors; Identification of cooperation possibilities

Devictor, N.*; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka  ; Saez, M.*; Rodriguez, G.*; Hayafune, Hiroki

CEA and JAEA intend to develop prototype or demonstration (proto/demo) of sodium-cooled fast reactors within these two decades. Common final goals of their respective programs are SFR commercialization. The target of commercialized SFR for both parties is basically consistent with the Generation IV goals. Due to industrial backgrounds and feedback of past/existing reactor experiences, ASTRID and JSFR have selected pool and loop configurations respectively. CEA and JAEA have cross-analyzed both pool and loop concepts (ASTRID and demonstration JSFR). The analysis results showed that both concepts are technologically feasible and meet design goals. From the view point of collaboration, the present analysis has identified a wide range of collaborative items; they are described in the paper.



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