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Establishment of X-ray reference fields for performance tests of radiation measuring instruments based on international standard

清水 滋; 澤畠 忠広*; 梶本 与一; 志風 義明 ; 吉原 泰明*; 立部 洋介

Shimizu, Shigeru; Sawahata, Tadahiro*; Kajimoto, Yoichi; Shikaze, Yoshiaki; Yoshihara, Yasuaki*; Tatebe, Yosuke

国際標準化機構の国際規格ISO 4037-1では、放射線防護用測定器の性能試験に用いる世界共通のX線標準場の設定条件が示されている。原子力科学研究所の当該X線標準場は、2003年に整備して運用してきたが、中硬X線照射装置のX線管球の破損交換に伴い、新たな機種のX線管球を設置したため、この設定条件に準拠したNarrow series, Wide series及びHigh air-kerma seriesの3つのシリーズの中硬X線領域における二次標準場を再構築した。内容は、X線管電圧20kVから300kVの中硬X線領域において、X線場の線質設定,各線量単位のX線スペクトル,空気カーマから線量当量への換算係数及びISO 4037-1の線質との比較を行った。この結果、原子力科学研究所のISO標準場は、国際規格の線質とよく一致していることを確認し、国際規格に準拠した放射線防護用測定器の性能試験及び世界の校正機関との基準照射及び相互比較実験が実施できることになり、これらの詳細なデータを明らかにした。

The International Standard, ISO 4037-1, is applied worldwide for setting the condition of X-ray reference fields to be used for the performance test of radiation measuring instruments for radiation protection. X-ray reference fields were established at the Facility of Radiation Standard in Nuclear Science Research Institute in 2003 and had been operated. Recently, we rebuilt the X-ray reference fields by replacing the X-ray tube with a new model due to the damage of the old one of the middle-hard X-ray irradiation device. We have established three series of medium-hard X-ray reference fields, Narrow, Wide and High air-kerma series with 27 radiation qualities, based on ISO 4037-1. This article described quality of the X-ray fields, X-ray spectra, conversion coefficients to the dose equivalent from Air-kerma and comparison with the quality of ISO 4037-1 in the X-ray fields of medium-hard X-ray voltages ranging from 20 kV to 300 kV. Result of experiments, these X-ray reference fields were well agreed with the condition of the international standard. As a result, these X-ray reference fields were found to be used to carry out the performance test, standard irradiation based on the international standard, and an intercomparison experiment with the reference laboratories in the world.



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