プラント動特性解析コードSuper-COPDの整備,10; 「常陽」MK-II自然循環試験解析,2
Development of Super-COPD code for plant dynamics, 10; Numerical simulation of natural circulation test in JOYO with MK-II core, 2
檜山 智之
; 堂田 哲広
; 大島 宏之; 岩崎 隆*
Hiyama, Tomoyuki; Doda, Norihiro; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Iwasaki, Takashi*
An analysis of JOYO MK-II natural circulation tests has been performed to evaluate the applicability of the fast reactor plant dynamics code Super-COPD to natural circulation decay heat removal phenomena. In this analysis, it was clarified that the natural circulation behavior is greatly influenced by the coolant mixing in the upper plenum. The predicted core outlet coolant temperature and primary flow rate showed good agreement with the test results during transients by setting appropriate mixing volume in the plenum model.