Detection capability and operation patterns of a selector-valve failed-fuel detection and location system for large sodium-cooled reactors
相澤 康介 ; 藤田 薫 ; 上出 英樹 ; 笠原 直人
Aizawa, Kosuke; Fujita, Kaoru; Kamide, Hideki; Kasahara, Naoto
A conceptual design study of an advanced large-sized (1,500 MWe class) sodium-cooled fast reactor, JSFR, is in progress in the FaCT project in Japan. JSFR has adopted a selector-valve mechanism for a failed-fuel detection and location (FFDL) system. The selector-valve FFDL system identifies a failed fuel subassembly by sampling sodium from each fuel subassembly outlet and detecting fission product gas or delayed neutron precursors of fission products. One of the technologies which JSFR has adopted is an upper internal structure (UIS) with a radial slit. Because sampling nozzles cannot be set in the UIS slit, several sampling nozzles are installed around the slit so as to sample sodium from the failed fuel subassemblies under the UIS slit. In this study, a signal and noise detected by the delayed neutron detector have been calculated. On the basis of these results, appropriate operation patterns of the selector-valve FFDL system for JSFR have been constructed.