※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Study on flow induced vibration evaluation for a large scale JSFR piping, 3; Pressure fluctuation characteristics in 1/3 scale hot-leg piping experiments under deflected inflow conditions due to UIS structures

大型JSFRの1段エルボ大口径配管の流動振動評価に関する研究,3; ホットレグ配管1/3縮尺試験におけるUIS構造による入口偏流条件下での圧力変動特性

佐郷 ひろみ*; 白石 直*; 渡壁 寿人*; Xu, Y.*; 相澤 康介 ; 山野 秀将   

Sago, Hiromi*; Shiraishi, Tadashi*; Watakabe, Hisato*; Xu, Y.*; Aizawa, Kosuke; Yamano, Hidemasa

A Japanese sodium-cooled fast reactor has adopted a two-loop cooling system. The reduced number of loops requires large-diameter piping and increased sodium velocity, raising a flow-induced-vibration issue. This paper describes a 1/3-scale experiments under deflected-flow conditions at the hot-leg piping inlet. Calculation of the flow in the reactor vessel (RV) suggested the deflection is generated by the upper internal structure (UIS) in the RV, and a UIS was partially modeled. We investigated the influence of the deflected flow on a size of a flow separation, the flow velocity distribution, and intensity of fluctuating pressure on the pipe wall. The deflect flow deformed the region of the flow separation. The 0% opening case yielded the result that the velocity distribution near the region of flow separation and its size differ from those in the other opening cases. We attribute it to the influence of the secondary flow induced by deflection.



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