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Report No.

Role of AtPol$$zeta$$, AtRev1 and AtPol$$eta$$ in $$gamma$$-ray-induced mutagenesis

Nakagawa, Mayu*; Takahashi, Shinya*; Narumi, Issei; Sakamoto, Ayako

Ionizing radiations have been applied to plants as useful mutagens, but its molecular mechanism(s) for mutagenesis is less understood. The AtPol$$zeta$$, AtRev1 and AtPol$$eta$$ are Arabidopsis translesion synthesis (TLS)-type polymerases involved in the UV-induced mutagenesis. To investigate a role(s) of TLS-type DNA polymerases in radiation-induced mutagenesis, we analyzed the mutation frequency in AtPol$$zeta$$-, AtRev1- or AtPol$$eta$$-knockout plants, ${it rev3-1}$, ${it rev1-1}$ and ${it polh-1}$, respectively. The mutation frequency in ${it rev3-1}$ was little changed, whereas the frequency in ${it rev1-1}$ greatly decreased and in ${it polh-1}$ slightly increased compared to that of wild type. Abasic (apurinic/apyrimidinic; AP) site, induced by radiations or generated during DNA repair process, leads to incorporation of any kinds of nucleotides at the opposite strand. The 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG), induced by radiation through the formation of reactive oxygen species, makes pairs with cytosine and adenines. Therefore, AtRev1 possibly inserts dC opposite AP-site or 8-oxo-dG, which results in G to T transversions.



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