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Report No.

Force constants of Cu crystals from diffuse neutron scattering measurement

Sakuma, Takashi*; Mohapatra, S. R.*; Uehara, Hiroyuki*; Sakai, Ryutaro*; Xianglian*; Takahashi, Haruyuki*; Igawa, Naoki   ; Basar, K.*

Diffuse neutron scattering measurement on Cu crystals was performed at 10 K and 300 K and the observed diffuse scattering intensities were analyzed by including the correlation effects among thermal displacements of atoms in the theory. Using the values of correlation effects among neighboring atoms and the values of Debye-Waller temperature parameter, force constants among first, second and third nearest neighboring atoms had been evaluated. The estimated values of force constants among first, second and third nearest neighboring atoms of Cu were 5.58, 3.63 and 2.37 eV/${AA}$ $$^{2}$$ at 300 K, respectively. The relation between correlation effects and the inter-atomic distance is not depending much on the crystal binding types.



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