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再処理特別研究棟廃液貯槽LV-2の一括撤去作業,2; 撤去作業

Removal of the liquid waste storage tank LV-2 in JRTF, 2; Removal works

金山 文彦 ; 萩谷 和明; 砂押 瑞穂; 村口 佳典; 里見 慎一; 根本 浩一; 照沼 章弘; 白石 邦生; 伊東 慎一

Kanayama, Fumihiko; Hagiya, Kazuaki; Sunaoshi, Mizuho; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Satomi, Shinichi; Nemoto, Koichi; Terunuma, Akihiro; Shiraishi, Kunio; Ito, Shinichi


Dismantling activities of equipments in JAERI's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) started from 1996 as a part of decommissioning of this facility. Removing out of the large liquid waste storage tank LV-2 as a whole tank without cutting in pieces from the annex building B to confirm safety and efficiency of this method started from 2006. After preparatory works, ceiling of LV-2 room was opened, and LV-2 was transferred. Useful data were collected on manpower, radiation control and waste amount through the preparatory works, and work efficiency was analyzed by use of these data.



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