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Report No.

$$^{13}$$C-selective infrared multiple photon dissociation of $$beta$$-propiolactone by a free electron laser

Miyomoto, Yoshiki*; Majima, Tetsuro*; Arai, Shigeyoshi*; Katsumata, Keiichi*; Akagi, Hiroshi; Maeda, Akihiko*; Hata, Hiroo*; Kuramochi, Koji*; Kato, Yoshiyasu*; Tsukiyama, Koichi*

The irradiation of a free electron laser at Tokyo University of Science (FEL-TUS) to $$beta$$-propiolactone molecules in the gas phase has efficiently induced the infrared multiple photon dissociation of the compound in the wavenumber regions of 1000$$sim$$1100 cm$$^{-1}$$ and 1700$$sim$$2000 cm$$^{-1}$$. The products were carbon dioxide and ethylene at equal amounts, where carbon dioxide was enriched with $$^{13}$$C under selected irradiation conditions. The relative yields of products and the selectivity of $$^{13}$$C were examined under various experimental conditions; the maximum $$^{13}$$C atom fraction of 59 % was achieved when 2.5 Torr $$beta$$-propiolactone was irradiated by FEL pulses at 1750 cm$$^{-1}$$ with a fluence of 5.8 J cm$$^{-2}$$.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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