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Phenomenological evaluation of laser-irradiated welding processes with a combined use of higher-accuracy experiments and computational science methodologies, 2; Residual strain distribution measurements using intense X-ray beams

Shobu, Takahisa  ; Okazawa, Kazuhiro; Muramatsu, Toshiharu; Takase, Kazuyuki; Tsukimori, Kazuyuki

Sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors have reached the commercial use stage. It is anticipated that their maintenance and repair methods will be superior to those currently used for water-cooled reactors. In the present study, the strain distributions in specimens composed of ferrite materials, which are fabricated through a combination of a fiber laser and the cold spray method, are evaluated using high-energy synchrotron radiation X-rays. The combination of a fiber laser and the cold spray method yields a compression strain from the surface to the depth of 0.2 mm, which likely because the generation of compression stress in the normal direction acts as a counterbalance to the tensile stress in the plane direction in S45C when the metal powder expands upon laser irradiation.



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