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 年 ~ 


Improvement for the stable operation in the super compactor

須藤 智之; 三村 竜二 ; 石原 圭輔; 里見 慎一; 明道 栄人 ; 門馬 利行 ; 小澤 一茂 

Sudo, Tomoyuki; Mimura, Ryuji; Ishihara, Keisuke; Satomi, Shinichi; Myodo, Masato; Momma, Toshiyuki; Kozawa, Kazushige


The super compactor in the Advanced Volume Reduction Facilities (AVRF) treats metal wastes mainly generated from research reactors in the Nuclear Science Research Institute of JAEA. Those wastes are compacted from one third to one fourth with maximum 2,000-ton force. In the trial operation using simulated wastes, some technical problems were found to be improve for the stable operation. One problem is the motion mechanism for carrying wastes before and after compaction. The other problem is the mechanism for treating the irregular supercompacted products. In this report, we describe the detail and the result of improvement on those problems for the stable operation in the super compactor.



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