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Report No.

Improvement of post irradiation examination equipment for re-operation of JMTR

Yonekawa, Minoru ; Kato, Yoshiaki; Taguchi, Taketoshi ; Sozawa, Shizuo

The Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) is proceeding with the preparation for re-operation on 2011. The facilities and equipments in the hot laboratory had been improved from 2007 in order to deal with new requests for post irradiation examinations after re-operation of JMTR. Improvement of concrete cells and irradiation facilities are planned to be completed until the end of FY 2010 in order to carry out the post irradiated examination for research on high burnup fuel (maximum burn up: 110 GWd/t). In this report, improvement of concrete cells and irradiation facilities to handle the high burnup fuel in the hot laboratory is summarized.



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