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Report No.

Construction of average adult Japanese voxel phantoms for dose assessment

Sato, Kaoru   ; Takahashi, Fumiaki  ; Satoh, Daiki   ; Endo, Akira   

ICRP adopted the adult reference phantoms based on the Caucasian data. In future, the dosimetric quantities calculated using these phantoms will be used for the radiation protection. However, there are some cases that the anatomical characteristics influence the organ doses. Therefore, it is needed to consider the anatomical characteristics of the subjects. Since the body sizes and organ masses of adult Japanese are smaller than those of adult Caucasian, the authors constructed the averaged adult male and female phantoms by modifying the previously developed JM and JF Japanese phantoms. In modification processes, (1) the body sizes were agreed with the Japanese averages; (2) the organ masses were adjusted to the Japanese averages within 10%, and (3) the organs, which were newly added for evaluation of the effective dose in ICRP Publ.103, were modeled. This report describes the construction, and anatomical and dosimetric characteristics of the newly constructed Japanese phantoms.



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