Analysis of contact length distribution of superconducting strands with copper sleeves at cable-in-conduit conductor joints
中澤 忍*; 手島 翔太郎*; 荒井 大地*; 宮城 大輔*; 津田 理*; 濱島 高太郎*; 谷貝 剛*; 布谷 嘉彦; 小泉 徳潔; 高畑 一也*; 尾花 哲浩*
Nakazawa, Shinobu*; Teshima, Shotaro*; Arai, Daichi*; Miyagi, Daisuke*; Tsuda, Makoto*; Hamajima, Takataro*; Yagai, Tsuyoshi*; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Takahata, Kazuya*; Obana, Tetsuhiro*
It is observed that measured critical currents of a large current CIC conductor sample become lower than expected ones, since unbalanced current distribution is caused through contacting resistances between strands and Cu sleeves in CIC conductor joints. In order to evaluate the contacting length, we identify all strands 3 dimensional positions in the CIC conductor, and then we measure contacting number and lengths of strands which appear on surface of the cable for contacting with the Cu sleeves. It is found that some strands do not appear on the surface of cable and the contacting lengths are widely distributed with large standard deviation. We develop a numerical code which simulates strand positions in the CIC, and then compare the analyzed contacting strand number and contacting length with measured ones. It is found that the both results are in good agreement and hence the code is available for evaluating the contacting parameters. We vary twist pitches of sub-cables to search the contacting parameters and then show that all strands appear on the cable surface and have contacting lengths with small standard deviation. It is found that the twist pitches are a key parameter for optimization of the contacting parameters.