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Report No.

Development of a high-speed eigenvalue-solver for constant plasma monitoring on a cell cluster system

Kushida, Noriyuki; Fujibayashi, Kenichi; Takemiya, Hiroshi

A high speed eigenvalue solver that is an essential part of a plasma stability analysis system for fusion reactors on a Cell cluster system is described. For the purpose of continuous operation of fusion reactors, we must evaluate the state of plasma within the characteristic confinement time of the plasma density and temperature in fusion reactors. In order to resolve the problem, we introduced a Cell cluster system and developed a novel eigenvalue solver, which usually consumes most of the plasma evaluation time, to achieve high performance of the system. As a result, we succeeded in obtaining our target performance: we were able to solve a block tri-diagonal Hermitian matrix containing 1024 diagonal blocks, where the size of each block was 128$$times$$128, within a second. Therefore, we have found a suitable candidate for achieving a satisfactory monitoring system.



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Category:Computer Science, Theory & Methods



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