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Report No.

Development of a new grafting system for making metal adsorbent

Seko, Noriaki; Ueki, Yuji; Thi Yen Ninh, N.*; Bang, L. T.*; Tamada, Masao

To make a practical synthesis process for metal adsorbents, we have developed a new emulsion grafting system instead of general organic solvent system. A glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) was used for precursor monomer which can be introduced many functional unit after grafting. The emulsion state of GMA in water with surfactants was stable during grafting time. Although irradiation dose was necessary 200 kGy to make adsorbents in organic system, in general, we found that a pre-irradiation dose could be reduced until 10 kGy. This result implies that water can be considered as an effective grafting solvent, and the new emulsion grafting system is high effective for grafting rate.



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