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 年 ~ 

Comparative study of laser and TIG weldings for application to ITER blanket hydraulic connection


谷川 尚; 油谷 篤志; 重松 宗一郎; 武田 信和; 角舘 聡; 森 清治*; Jokinen, T.*; Merola, M.*

Tanigawa, Hisashi; Aburadani, Atsushi; Shigematsu, Soichiro; Takeda, Nobukazu; Kakudate, Satoshi; Mori, Seiji*; Jokinen, T.*; Merola, M.*


This paper presents results of R&D activities where the laser and TIG welding tools were developed to apply the blanket hydraulic connection. The target pipe is 48.26 mm in outer diameter and 2.77 mm-thick. A single path welding without filler materials is required to reduce the weld heat input related to re-weldability. For the laser welding, the focal spot diameter was expanded to increase allowable misalignment. The TIG welding tool was equipped with AVC (Arc Voltage Control) to avoid a torch sticking and to enlarge allowable misalignment. For each tool, the welding conditions were optimized for all position welding to horizontally located pipes. Obtained parameters such as the weld heat input, allowable misalignment, lifetime of the tools and amount of sputter and fume, were comparatively assessed.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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