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Cerebral methodology based computing to estimate real phenomena from large-scale nuclear simulation


鈴木 喜雄   

Suzuki, Yoshio


In nuclear field, it is indispensable to estimate real phenomena from simulations in order to improve the safety and security of nuclear power plants. Here, the analysis of uncertainty included in simulations is needed to reveal sensitivity of uncertainty due to randomness, to reduce the uncertainty due to lack of knowledge and to lead a degree of certainty by verification and validation (V&V) and uncertainty quantification (UQ) processes. To realize this, we propose "Cerebral Methodology based Computing (CMC)" as computing processes with deductive and inductive approaches by referring human reasoning processes. We have established its prototype system and applied it to a thermal displacement analysis of a nuclear power plant. The result shows that our idea is effective to reduce the uncertainty and to get the degree of certainty.



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