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Report No.

Super fast reactor R&D projects in Japan, 4; Numerical estimation of thermal-hydraulic characteristics of supercritical fluids in tight-lattice bundles by three-dimensional two-fluid model analysis code ACE-3D

Nakatsuka, Toru  ; Misawa, Takeharu; Yoshida, Hiroyuki  ; Takase, Kazuyuki

To analyze thermal hydraulics in the core of supercritical-water-cooled reactors, JAEA has been improved a three-dimensional two-fluid model analysis code ACE-3D, which has been developed originally for two-phase flow of LWRs. Heat transfer experiments of supercritical fluids flowing in a tube, a vertical annular channel around a heater pin and 7-rod bundles were analyzed with the improved ACE-3D to assess the prediction performance of the code at supercritical region. As a result, it was confirmed that the calculated wall surface temperatures agreed with the measured results. To evaluate thermal hydraulic characteristics of a tight-lattice fuel bundle of Super Fast Reactor, a simplified 19-rod fuel assembly was analyzed. Maximum clad surface temperature was observed at the position facing to the narrowest gap on the center rod near the outlet and the value was 901K. The predicted MCST satisfies thermal design criteria to ensure fuel and cladding integrity.



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