文部科学省「健康相談ホットライン」臨時電話相談員を務めて; より良いリスク・コミュニケーションを模索しながら
My experience as a consultant for radiation risks; How do we communicate with a client worrying about radiation risks?
赤松 憲
Akamatsu, Ken
"Health counseling hot line" concerning the radiation and the radiological consequence was established in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology along with the nuclear disaster due to the East Japan great earthquake. The author and some other staffs of Japan Atomic Energy Agency were consulted by a lot of Japanese clients as a temporary risk-communicator. The concern for nuclear power and the radioactivity and the radiation has spread not only domestically but also all over the world by this disastrous. In this paper, the author discusses how we communicate with a client worrying about radiation risks based on his experiences.