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Evaluation of local deformation behavior accompanying fatigue damage of a reduced activation ferritic/martenstic steel welded joint test specimen using digital image correlation method

中田 隼矢; 谷川 博康

Nakata, Toshiya; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu


Reduced activation ferritic/martenstic steel (RAMs) is expected to be used for structural material for the DEMO blanket module in Japan. It is essential to join members by welding for blanket module fabrication. In welding steel material, however, strength properties degrade greatly depending on the effects of heat during welding. Therefore, it is necessary to fully evaluate the strength properties of welds, to clarify their strength deterioration mechanism. But as the widths of welds are extremely narrow, it is hard to evaluate deformation behavior quantitatively by a conventional evaluation method. In this research we attempted to evaluate local deformation behavior accompanying fatigue damage using digital image correlation method about electron beam welding material made of RAMs. We clarified in this research that the strain distributions that arise during fatigue tests clearly differ by realizing the evaluation of deformation behavior in each local area of welds.



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