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Report No.

The Creep-fatigue evaluation method for intermediate hold conditions; Proposal and validation

Okajima, Satoshi ; Kawasaki, Nobuchika* ; Kato, Shoichi ; Kasahara, Naoto

In this paper, for the application to the Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR), the creep-fatigue damage evaluation method is improved to consider the intermediate holding condition. The improved method is validated through both of the uni-axial and the structure model creep-fatigue tests. In these validations, the target material is 316FR steel, which is planned to use for the reactor vessel. In the conventional method, in order to evaluate the creep damage conservatively, the maximum tensile value in the thermal stress transient cycle is used as the initial stress. The improved method evaluates the creep damage using the lower initial stress than the conventional method, while it has the rational margin.



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