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Report No.

Influence of energy of helium ions on degradation of diglycolamide in ${it n}$-dodecane

Sugo, Yumi; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Sasaki, Yuji  ; Morita, Yasuji  

Tetraoctyldiglycolamide (TODGA) has high extractability for actinides such as americium and curium from nitric acid into ${it n}$-dodecane. It had been obvious that the radiation chemical yield for the degradation of TODGA in ${it n}$-dodecane by helium ions corresponding to the alpha-particles was less than that by $$gamma$$-rays. In this study, in order to prove an effect of linear energy transfer (LET) on the radiolysis of TODGA in ${it n}$-dodecane, the influence of energy of helium ions was investigated. The solution of TODGA in ${it n}$-dodecane was irradiated with 20-100 MeV helium ions provided by an accelerator. Incident energy of the ions on the surface of the sample was attenuated by aluminum foils. It was observed the number of molecules of TODGA decreased by the single helium ion was gradually increased with the incident energy. This result indicates that the degradation efficiency decreases with increasing LET value. Because the transient species are densely produced in the track by high LET radiations, and then decreased by recombination in the track at very early time.



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