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Report No.

Structure analysis of resin-filler compounds by small-angle neutron scattering

Yamaguchi, Daisuke; Koizumi, Satoshi; Ojima, Hitoshi*; Isoyama, Ryo*; Ishiwatari, Yoshiyuki*; Kodama, Hiroto*; Takeda, Hisanori*; Fukita, Hitoshi*; Takashima, Yoshiyuki*

Resin-filler composites were investigated by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). Two types of fillers, talc and TiO$$_{2}$$, were employed and compounded with polypropylene in this study. The dispersion state of the fillers was examined by SANS measurements. In addition, the size distribution of the fillers was separately measured through the laser right scattering and SEM. The calculated scattering function including the polydispersity of fillers whose size distribution reflects the results of laser right scattering and SEM consistently reproduced the experimental SANS scattering profiles.



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