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Report No.

On the neoclassical relationship between the radial electric field and radial current in tokamak plasmas

Honda, Mitsuru; Fukuyama, Atsushi*; Nakajima, Noriyoshi*

The equation is analytically derived, stipulating the relationship between the radial electric field $$E_r$$ and radial current $$j_r$$ in tokamak plasmas, especially when heated by neutral beam injection. On a very short time scale compared to the decay in poloidal rotation, the polarization current $$j_mathrm{p}$$ compensates for the non-ambipolar fast-ion radial current, $$j_r^mathrm{fast}$$, producing a concomitant time change in $$E_r$$. This $$j_mathrm{p}$$ predominates among the constituents of $$j_r$$ that produces the $$vec{j}timesvec{B}$$ torque. On a longer time scale, $$E_r$$ should be estimated through a force balance equation. In a steady state, transport of toroidal momentum plays a dominant role in balancing the torque induced by $$j_r^mathrm{fast}$$. Analytical work demonstrates that the basis equations of the one-dimensional transport code TASK/TX essentially have the capability to reproduce the phenomena derived, which is subsequently confirmed by numerical simulation.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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