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Report No.

Consequences of profile shearing on toroidal momentum transport

Camenen, Y.*; Idomura, Yasuhiro   ; Jolliet, S.; Peeters, A. G.*

Turbulent transport of toroidal momentum is investigated in global linear gyrokinetic simulations. The poloidal tilt of the global mode structure arising from the radial variation of the equilibrium (profile shearing) is shown to induce non-diagonal non-pinch momentum transport (residual stress). Local simulations performed at finite radial wave vector show that the effect is mainly due to the antisymmetric radial component of the magnetic drift. The residual stress resulting from profile shearing enhances co-current rotation for ion temperature gradient turbulence and counter-current rotation for trapped electron mode turbulence (for positive magnetic shear).



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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