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Report No.

Development of a synthesis method of beryllides as advanced neutron multiplier for DEMO reactors

Nakamichi, Masaru; Kim, Jae-Hwan; Wakai, Daisuke; Yonehara, Kazuo

DEMO reactors require advanced blanket functional materials of neutron multiplier that have higher stability at high temperature. Development of advanced neutron multiplier has been started between Japan and the EU in the DEMO R&D of the International Fusion Energy Research Centre (IFERC) project as a part of the Broader Approach activities. Development of beryllides as advanced neutron multiplier has been started. In this study, it reports on the trial synthesis results of beryllides by a plasma sintering method and a high-frequency heating method. The plasma sintering method, one of the sintering process, results in starting powder particle surface activation that enhances powder particle sinterability and reduces high temperature exposure. Plasma sintering is a non-conventional consolidation process and has some advantage such as easy process and low impurity level compared with existing HIP method. From the result of the sintering test, it is assumed that the beryllides could be directly synthesized by the plasma sintering method from mixed powder particles of Be and Ti at a lower temperature than melting point. In this report, trial synthetic results of beryllides by a melting process using high-frequency heating method will be also present.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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