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Report No.

Spin-dependent transport in accelerated systems

Ieda, Junichi   ; Matsuo, Mamoru*; Saito, Eiji; Maekawa, Sadamichi

In 1915, Einstein, de Haas, and Barnett unveiled the relation between magnetism and rotational motion. Recent developments of nanofabrication technology and spintronics have enabled us to exchange the angular momentum among conduction electron spin, magnetization, and photon polarization. In this stream, a remaining form of angular momentum carried by condensed matter systems is a mechanical torque due to rotation of a rigid body. However, the relation between the mechanical rotation and spin currents has been elusive. To describe the direct coupling, we have constructed the fundamental Hamiltonian from the general relativistic Dirac equation, and have predicted spin current generation from a rigid rotation in a ballistic system. Those results are then extended to the diffusive regime. We also discuss spin-dependent transport due to linear acceleration.



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