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Report No.

Microstructure-mechanical properties correlation in neutron-irradiated modified SUS316 steels

Yamashita, Shinichiro   ; Kubota, Tomoki*; Oka, Hiroshi*   ; Hashimoto, Naoyuki*; Onuki, Somei*

Correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of neutron-irradiated modified SUS316 (PNC316) has been studied based on post irradiation examination (PIE) database since PNC316 has been accumulated most aboundant irradiation data among core structural materials for fast reactor. In this study, comparison of various PIE data, such as tensile properties, hardness measurement, metallurgy and microstructure of PNC316, has been done, indicating that irradiation hardening occurred due to frank loop nucleation and growth by irradiation at relatively low temperature (around 400C) and that precipitate coarsening occurred by irradiation at relatively high temperature (over 700$$^{circ}$$C).



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